Written by 7:08 pm Hobbies, Home & Garden, Lifestyle

Pros & Cons of Different Paving Materials


paving pattern

If you are thinking of paving the garden or driveway then you are probably considering which materials to choose from. The main types you can go with are concrete, stone & clay but what will be the differences between them? It’s fair to say that it is very much a case of each having their own benefits and drawbacks rather than there being an out and out clear-cut choice to go for. To make sure you are choosing the most appropriate material for your project have a quick look through the pros and cons of the different types.


Concrete pavers are a common choice for lots of reasons. Firstly, they tend to be the least expensive type when compared to stone or clay pavers. Concrete is renowned for its longevity so you can rest assured that your purchase will last you a very long time. Part of this comes from the durability of concrete. As long as the concrete is of a good quality and has been set properly without cracks it should last longer than you. For something such as a paver which is likely to experience a lot of traffic, having a durable material will let you rest assured in the knowledge that it will take the wear and tear without any concerns of it being damaged. One of the drawbacks of concrete is that even in spite of the fact it can be coloured or textured it can look a little plain when compared to the alternatives.


Stone pavers are aesthetically striking and can look very stylish and expensive. The variety of stones which are available to choose from can allow you to achieve very different looks and a wide range of colours. Being natural, stones look very much at home when used in a garden and they blend into and complement the surroundings very well. However, given the diversity of stonework, some factors can be both a disadvantage and a benefit depending on your prerogative. For example, stones will rarely look uniform so if this is a good thing for you it can look very striking but otherwise another material will be more favourable. Also, some stones may be very attractive but give you less durability and so their longevity will depend upon which you choose.


Much like stone pavers, clay pavers look very complimentary to natural surroundings. They tend to have a reddish hue which adds an earthiness to the overall look but they can range within this colour palette as well as be a dark blue if desired. Clay is known for being good at resisting stains so it will be good if this is a concern. Clay also ages well and although it can fade over time it does this in such a way that it still looks very natural. Something to note with clay pavers is that they can prove to be the most expensive types of pavers on the market. You will find that all the types of pavers should be available through the same supplier so you could consider mixing up what you use where. For example a clay driveway but then with concrete pavers for the garden to manage the costs.

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