Historical mysteries most people might have never heard of: Part 2
Mysteries have always fascinated people, whether they are real-life unsolved cases or fictional stories. There are several historical...
Why do adults and kids like Harry Potter so much? Who are the favourite characters?
Harry Potter is a world-renowned fantasy series that was first introduced back in 1997 when J.K Rowling first released Harry Potter and the...
12 Handy Tips to Tide You Over This Winter
As winter approaches and energy costs continue to rise at a frightening rate, now is the time to start preparing your home for winter. In...
What is the difference between shutters and plantation shutters? Are plantation shutters more expensive?
Plantation Shutters have grown in popularity in recent years, making their way into many homes across Australia. But, what is it about them...
What Cannot be stored in self-storage? Will my stuff get ruined in storage? How do I protect my belongings in storage?
The history of self-storage can be dated all the back to ancient China when the rich nobles were able to use large ceramic pots to store...
What are the bad things about coffee? What does coffee do to your body?
You know how it goes: anything that is delicious in this world tends to come at a price. As much as we enjoy the occasional Big Mac for...
Why Is The LA Housing Market So Hot Right Now?
The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on Los Angeles real estate market. However, as of today, people are buying houses for cash LA...
How much should I pay and how often should I have my trees trimmed?
Are the wonderful trees in your garden looking somewhat dishevelled? Perhaps they could do with a bit of a trim? Who knows! Unless you’re...
What is Venetian plaster and why is Venetian plaster so expensive?
Venetian plaster. Sounds fancy right? Well, that’s because it is native to the romantic city of Venice which by rights, is rather fancy!...